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​We will expand the purchase of land to include Suffolk, West of UK, and Canada.



We will carry on our vision to create woodlands and wild gardens for young students and communities to learn and be educated by nature, both here in the UK and abroad.



​We will build outdoor education centres run by volunteers for use by local schools, community groups and public to learn more about wildlife and outdoor life skills.



Working alongside local educational settings to support tomorrow's generation in environmental studies and work whilst providing jobs in our educational centres.



Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan


Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan


​We will continue to grow ReWORK in the UK and expand into international communities. We will also work closely with national and local governments to champion community initiatives home and abroad.



Pollinator corridors are so important globally, we will work to make initiatives accessible to all and work with leading experts worldwide to continue learning and improving our own knowledge.



​We will build our retail portfolio, expanding our product range based on marketplace trends of the time while continuing to focus on sustainability.




"just because it is doesn't mean it should be"

Our 10 year plan is for more of the same but with a blueprint created we can expand into other areas. Suffolk is where our main office is situated so that is next on our list! We will need to develop in the West of England and into Wales and, as a business, that is where our natural expansion will take us. As for Canada, we have family in Winnipeg so this allows us to take the blueprint abroad and make a real difference utilising the Workhorse belief - and it will be delivered by family members that share it.

As the world changes (for the better) so will the need of our ReWork initiative and our retail sector. As you may have gathered by now we are not ones to sit idle and this will be shown as we take the planet's needs and the research of leading experts to continue the upward trajectory of saving the planet, this will be reflected in all we do.
The Building of Education Centres and Apprenticeships is something we believe in heavily, with education and tomorrow's generation at the heart of what we are doing as a group this would be the next step in providing jobs for young adults to step into - with the belief, support and ethos of the Workhorse family and supporting educational days out for all. Education, team building, family, we will have you covered.
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
Workhorse Legacy 10 year plan
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